Sacan & Go

Used the Walmart Scan & Go for the first time. It seemed to take longer to shop bagging as I went, but I loved how ready it was to checkout. Worked flawlessly.
stuff I learned:

1. I learned not to keep my phone on the whole time I shopped. The scanner is very sensitive and kept picking up stuff I already scanned or was just looking at. 

2. If you accidently back out of the app, just go back in. It picks up where you left off. That was a huge relief. 

3. Bring a buddy to bag while you deal with the phone/scanning.

4. Funny pick up the squishy things first. Bread, chips... 

5. Keep out the produce you need to weigh at the end. Not hard since our Walmart has terrible produce, in general. 🤷‍♀️

6. I like grocery pickup better because that's wear the real money savings is. I don't spend nearly as much when I don't enter the store!
